Porterhouse for two is a classic Steak House dinner. Why go out and pay a ridiculous price for a porterhouse when you can grill it at home. Read on to learn how to grill a porterhouse steak and receive rave reviews from the person you are splitting this hunk of beef with.

Porterhouse with Sear Marks
Porterhouse Steak for two
The Porterhouse is a monstrous cut of beef that is often shared or split at a restaurant table. This giant slab of beef offers the best from the world of beef. One side is the tender filet and the other is the juicy beefy strip steak. These steaks are usually really thick so this is a big cut that can be shared by two people.

Grilled Porterhouse
What’s the best way to cook a Porterhouse?
Grilling is the best way to cook a porterhouse steak.
Buying a porterhouse steak
If you are going to treat yourself and possible someone else, then why not find the best quality beef available. Butchers and farms give you the best quality beef. Nothing wrong with the local supermarket but grass fed beef from a farm will give a much more flavorful beef taste. Make sure the steak is nice and thick. It should be at least an inch thick. This is not the type of cut of beef that you want thin.
How to grill a porterhouse steak
Preheat a gas grill up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit.
Season the steak on both sides with onion powder and fresh cracked black pepper.
Place your room temperature beef on directly on the grill grates over direct medium flame.
Grill the steak for five minutes with the grill lid down. Open the lid after 5 minutes and rotate the steak 90 degrees.
Close the lid and grill for another 5 minutes.
Open lid and flip the steak with a pair of
Grill the steak for another 7 minutes or until you reach an internal steak temp of 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
Let the cut of beef sit for 5 minutes before serving. The internal temp will rise a few degrees for a perfect medium internal temperature.
Finish the steak with kosher salt to taste.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends an internal temperature for beef of 145 degrees Fahrenheit. You’ll achieve that temp if you take the beef off the grill at 140 degrees Fahrenheit and let it sit for a few minutes.
Porterhouse Steak for two
Tips for grilling a porterhouse
- Make sure your grill is clean. No one wants to eat a dirty steak.
- Don’t put a thick steak such as a Porterhouse on the grill until its room temperature.
- Pat the steak dry before putting on the grill. This will help encourage sear marks.
- When flipping or rotating the steak use tongs not a fork. You don’t want to pierce the meat and release the juices.
- Let the steak sit for 5 minutes before slicing.

Porterhouse with Sear Marks
There you have it! The perfect juicy steak for one, two, or three people. This classic steakhouse cut can be grilled to perfection at home. So go out to the local butcher or farm and purchase a nice Porterhouse steak and treat yourself to a juicy beefy treat without the ridiculous price.
Sliced Porterhouse Steak
If you like this steak suggestion check out these other cuts of beef from Sear Marks!
Grilled Flanken Cut Beef Short Ribs
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