Need a new salsa recipe for playoff baseball?

If you're going to have a watch party for playoff baseball then you need to learn this recipe for Carne Asada Ribs!

Have you ever marinated beef in beer? Since it's October try pumpkin beer!

Want to learn how to fold Stromboli then grill it? No way the Stromboli makes it until the bottom of the 9th inning!

October Baseball equals Grilled Sausage!

Don't forget the peppers for the sausage.....

Quesadillas on the grill are the perfect finger food for the ball game.  The question is what should you put in the quesadilas?

If  you're tailgating, throwing a watch party or just sitting on the couch watching October Baseball then click the link below to learn a few recipes to enjoy before and during the game!